Welcome. This site will lead you through a discussion of how Mathematics and Physics are intertwined. My goal here is to offer you a new perspective on the connectedness of Nature and its beauty, both intellectual and aesthetic. Buckle your seatbelt because the ride might be a bit bumpy, but I hope the result will be worth the effort you put into it.

There are two main sections. The first section is about the link between physics and mathematics ("Which Came First....") and the second section is about aesthetic beauty and intellectual beauty ("Beauty or Beast?..."). The last two sections are appendices, one for some great math/physics quotes and the other for a suggested reading list for those who want to learn more. Start wherever you like, but I suggest you begin with my discourse on what science is and is not! And if you have mathphobia, check out what I have to say about it (check below for the links to these)..

I hope you enjoy it!

Dr Cecilia Barnbaum


Some of my Favorite Quotes about Mathematics and Physics (and 1 spectacular poem)

It has come to my attention lately that a number of non-scientists are defining what they think science is, and, wow, do they have it wrong! If you are interested in what I, as a scientist, have to say on the matter, click on

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